עמוק אל תוך החופש: ריטריט ויפאסנה ואשטנגה יוגה
הריטריט הזה הוא הזדמנות מיוחדת שרוקמת יחד מדיטציה אל עומק החופש בשילוב תרגול יוגה במסורת האשטנגה.
הריטריט יתקיים בשתיקה ברובו ויכלול תרגול יוגה בן שעתיים בכל בוקר, בסגנון מייסור, וכן יוגה-נידרה בכל ערב, אותם תעביר אלינור בורקה, מורה מומחית ובעלת ניסיון רב באשטנגה יוגה.
לילה תלמד את מדיטציית הויפאסנה. בכל יום תנתן שיחת דהרמה, וינתנו הזדמנויות למפגשים אישיים עם לילה.
הריטריט יתקיים בגרמניה, במרכז בודהיסטי יפיפה ומלא השראה בשם פאונהוף – Pauenhof, ליד דיסלדורף.
הריטריט יתקיים באנגלית, והוא פתוח לכולם, בעלי או חסרי נסיון ביוגה או במדיטציה.
הריטריט מוצע על ידי שתי המורות בדאנה.
לפרטים נוספים ולתשלום למרכז עבור השהות והאוכל – info@pauenhof.de
כמה מילים על אלינור בורקה, מורה מנוסה וותיקה לאשטנגה יוגה:
Elinore Burke has been a student of yoga since 1996 and Insight meditation (Vipassana) since 2001. She began teaching yoga in 2004 and currently runs the Ashtanga Yoga program at Jivamukti in Berlin, as well as teaching internationally. Elinore guides students to connect with the process of self-exploration unfolding on their mats, and she bows in deep gratitude to her teachers and fellow students.
והנה התיאור המלא של הריטריט באנגלית:
Going Deep into Freedom – A Vipassana and Sshtanga Yoga Reteat
Germany, at Paunehoff – a Buddhist center near Düsseldorf,
This retreat is a unique opportunity that weaves together the classical insight Vipassana retreat with the practices of Ashtanga Yoga in the tradition of Patanjali and Sri K. Pattabhi Jois.
We will deepen into the ancient and radical teachings of the Buddha for the liberation of the heart and mind, side by side with transformative Yoga practices.
Being in direct contact with life beyond ideas reveals depth and aliveness that can open us to the ease of being, clarity, energy, and wisdom that flourish in the body, the heart and the mind.
The retreat includes comprehensive instructions in Vipassana (Insight) and mindfulness meditation including guidance in sitting, walking, standing and reclining posture. Additionally there will be enquiries, a daily talk, and opportunities for one-to-one meetings with the teachers. This will intertwine with daily sessions of Yoga, morning Mysore-style (guided self-practice and led) and evening sessions of Yoga Nidra.
The retreat is held in silence except for the teachings, guided meditations and meetings with the teachers. The day starts at 6 am and finishes at 21.30, with a daily mindful work period (Karma Yoga).
This retreat is suitable for new and experienced practitioners in both meditation and Yoga.
for more details and to register in the center for the room and board: info@pauenhof.de
The retreat is offered on Dana basis (Donations basis) for the teachers. Please read more about the Dana
Lila Kimhi from Israel is a senior teacher of mindfulness and insight meditation (Vipassana). Lila has been teaching Vipassana since 2004 in Israel and abroad. She teaches courses of Buddhist psychology for psychotherapists, and practices for people with cancer, chronic pain and illness. Lila leads spiritual journeys around the world including Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, and India. With her partner, she co-founded 'Aley Adamot’, an eco-spiritual center located rurally outside Jerusalem.

Elinore Burke has been a student of yoga since 1996 and Insight meditation (Vipassana) since 2001. She began teaching yoga in 2004 and currently runs the Ashtanga Yoga program at Jivamukti in Berlin, as well as teaching internationally. Elinore guides students to connect with the process of self-exploration unfolding on their mats, and she bows in deep gratitude to her teachers and fellow students.