From time immemorial people have embarked on spiritual journeys in distant lands to discover the world and themselves in it. The journey to unknown places and cultures asks us to leave the familiar, step out of our comfort zone, and meet different language, culture, customs and religions with a fresh mind of a beginner that is curios and open. The encounter with the unfamiliar that is embedded and held in spiritual practices, invites the heart and mind to soften and widen to reveal the beauty and wisdom of our being and of those around us.
The journeys combine being on the road and moving through the landscapes with alternating times of stillness in a retreat. During the journeys we practice daily meditation sessions alongside with learning from different traditions, like the Buddhist and Advaita (Non-Duality) as well as Judaism. Times of silence alternate with times of sharing, group work and individual processes.
So far we have been to Mid Asia (Armenia, Kyrgizstan and next is Uzbekistan) and in South India. The journeys were conducted in Hebrew to groups of Israelis practitioners. We are now open to invite people from all over the world to join us, as we offer translation into English as well.
The facilitators:
Lila Kimhi (teaching), Yoav Aptowitzer (teaching and managing) and Yochai Primak (tour guide)